2nd April 2023

The Ultimate Guide to Surviving Vampire Puppies

The good news is – it’s just a phase!

Although it can be pretty relentless, frustrating, worrying, you are not alone, it is totally normal. Your pup isn’t a demonic being (although first thing in the morning it can seem like that).

Dogs don’t have hands (that would look weird). So everything is mouth related. In that mouth, lay some very sharp teeth. These helped to stimulate milk from mum.

Once their adult teeth push those fangs out (around eighteen weeks), biting will be a distant memory. Trust me, there is light at the end of the tunnel, hang on in there!


When I was younger, I remember with our first pup, my grandad told me to ‘YELP’ like their mum, every time the pups teeth dug into my skin. This only made the puppy more excited and try harder.

Looking back that advice seems ridiculous. Pups know we’re humans, we’re NOT dogs. It doesn’t translate. Squealing will transform you into your pups favourite squeaking dancing dog toy. You will encourage your pup to come back stronger, it doesn’t address WHY is the pup biting.

My grandad also said the pup thinks it’s more dominant and I should pin the pup down to show who’s boss.

‘Dominance theory’ has been completely disproven, actually by the guy who coined it. All this strategy will do is create a negative association for the pup, that humans are to be feared. Fear can turn into aggression. Plus, this will have a hugely detrimental impact on your relationship and a part from not being nice, still doesn’t address WHY the pup is biting.

So how can we keep your hands, feet, dressing gowns and trousers in tact?

The first step, is to identify WHY. Pups become more bitey when:
• They are over tired
• They are over excited
• Their teeth are hurting (teething)
• They are trying to engage in play with you
• They feel frustrated
• They are fearful
• They are hungry

Due to these various reasons why your puppy could be biting, the strategy you use will depend on which one it could be, at that moment in time.


Puppies sleep a massive 18 – 20 hours per day! Just like us, if they’re not getting enough beauty sleep, this can make them more irritable. Ensure your puppy has plenty of opportunity to rest. If they have a positive association with their crate, there is nothing wrong encouraging them into their crate and inducing rest time. Provide a stuffed Kong or natural chew to help them wind down and relax.

If you have children, it’s important to educate them on leaving the puppy alone when they’re resting. Check out this great guide on Children & Dogs.


I have an A* in getting pups over excited. Rubbing their tummy, grabbing them, chasing them, rough housing. This is where I need to exhibit some self-control and avoid turning a puppy who lacks self-control into a maniac who has a thirst for blood.

When playing with your pup, do the exact opposite and keep interactions gentle and calm. Scent games such as ‘Find It’ are a great way to engage in low arousal play and provide a brain workout that will result in peace. It’s also a great game to encourage children to play with pups that will not end in crying and help to increase their bond.

Check out our Perfect Puppy Online Course to learn useful exercises such as ‘Drop’ and ‘Find It’.


Adult teeth pushing through their gums HURTS! During this time, you may find mouthing increases. Provide them with chews to help relieve this pain, such as frozen carrots or stock flavoured ice cubes. The good news is this is the beginning of the end.

Check out the Chews section of our shop for a great range of chews suitable for pups.


Puppies have no idea that humans do not appreciate being launched at with sharp teeth as a means to engage in play with us.

Providing your pup with a routine which includes play time is a great way to ensure your pups needs are being met in all areas ie. Sleep, eat, play, repeat.

Keep play sessions short and look out for when they start to get over excited. Remember too much rough play and exciting noises will just aid to over stimulate them. If this does occur, disengage, silently stand up and leave the room immediately. You need to be quick for your pup to associate their behaviour with interaction ending. Next time, be more mindful of their arousal levels.

It’s a good idea to wear tight fitted clothing, to avoid them latching on to your dangly bits. Wellies or shoes without laces are a good idea for children if the going gets tough.

Keep anti-puppy shark toys in every room of the house. Ready to deploy defences at any given moment. If your puppy has a taste for hands Vs. toys, find a toy they can’t resist and save this only for occasions when going into battle.

Dogs have a natural chase instinct, which is why they love going for moving legs and feet. Moving limbs are very exciting and need to be chased. Try to indulge their natural urges in an appropriate way by using a chase toy with a long handle. Gently move the toy from side to side on the floor, so they can chase and pounce. By using toys with long handles, they are further away from your ever-increasing scared hands. By keeping your toy close to the floor, you will discourage any jumping.

Reserve your animated play voice for when your puppy is reluctant to play and needs some extra encouragement. Check out the Tug-E-Nuff Chaser Toys on our Online Shop.


It’s a strange and confusing world living with humans and it’s easy for pups to feel frustrated. Playing Tug with your pup is a great way to allow them to blow off some steam and let it all out, whilst also increasing your bond.

Use a tug toy where the bite piece is further away from your hand so your pup doesn’t accidently catch you with their teeth. Remember to tug from side to side and avoid up and down movements, as this could damage their neck.

There are so many tug toys out there, we’ve narrowed down the very best on our Online Shop.


Always take a hands free approach to training and avoid using any form of punishment (even the word ‘No’). Dog’s could bite through fear or when they feel threatened. Some common examples may be a child goes to pick the puppy up, you want to lift your dog off from the sofa, someone tries to take your pups chew etc.

These should all be avoided and supplemented for a hands free approach. For more info on the best training methods, check out our Perfect Puppy Online Course.


Puppies grow fast and they need appropriate nutrition to support this.  High protein, low carbohydrate diets are best (AATU is my personal go to, available in our shop).  Diet effects behaviour and low quality foods will only help to fuel Tasmanian puppies. 

Remember to increase their feeds throughout puppyhood and use part of their diet throughout the day to reward good behaviour. 

Feeding little and often through interactive toys is a great way to help them feel fuller for longer, provide some mental stimulation and keep the biting at bay.  Checkout our article on interactive toys.

Shifting our focus from blaming the puppy, to changing what we do, we can have a massive impact on reducing undesirable biting and live in a harmonious house.    Once you’ve weathered the storm,  you will have a loving, loyal friend for life who adores you and grateful you researched the best techniques and understood WHY once upon a time they were hanging off your fingers.


Check out our favourite toys Tug-ENuff toys on our Online Shop. Use code HPDT for 10% off.

For more training, check out our HPDT Perfect Puppy Online Course

For all the best tried and tested equipment, check out our Shop in the menu.

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